Practice Test Questions

Preparing for your next security certification exam? After trying your hand at this practice test question, join the FREE CertMike Study Group for the CISSP, Security+, CySA+, PenTest+, CISM+ or SSCP certification to receive new questions each week. You’ll also receive free access to my customized study strategies. Donna is looking for a secure way to transfer files between systems. The systems in question are already configured for SSH connections. What file transfer method could she use that would leverage the SSH protocol? A. FTPS B. Dropbox C. HTTPS D. SFTP Correct Answer: D The Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) provides a file transfer capability through a Secure Shell (SSH) connection. The File Transfer Protocol Secure (FTPS) also provides secure file transfers, but does so through a modified version of the FTP protocol and does not use SSH. Dropbox is a proprietary file sharing service that does not use SSH. The HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) is a secure web protocol that may be used for file transfers but does not leverage SSH. Interested in more practice test questions? Get a copy of my official CertMike Practice Test books for the Security+ exam, CISSP exam, SSCP exam, or CySA+ exam and practice with hundreds of questions designed just like the real test! ...

Preparing for your next security certification exam? After trying your hand at this practice test question, join the FREE CertMike Study Group for the CISSP, Security+, CySA+, PenTest+, CISM+ or SSCP certification to receive new questions each week. You’ll also receive free access to my customized study strategies. What do most physical security professionals consider the minimum fence height to slow down a determined intruder? A. 4 feet B. 8 feet C. 6 feet D. 12 feet Correct Answer: B Most security professionals consider eight feet to be the minimum height for a fence protecting critical assets. It is trivial for an intruder to climb a fence of six feet or less. A fence that stands twelve feet high is likely unnecessary and aesthetically unpleasant. For added security, organizations may add barbed wire to the top of the fence. Interested in more practice test questions? Get a copy of my official CertMike Practice Test books for the Security+ exam, CISSP exam, SSCP exam, or CySA+ exam and practice with hundreds of questions designed just like the real test! ...

Preparing for your next security certification exam? After trying your hand at this practice test question, join the FREE CertMike Study Group for the CISSP, Security+, CySA+, PenTest+, CISM+ or SSCP certification to receive new questions each week. You’ll also receive free access to my customized study strategies. Which one of the following authentication mechanisms is generally not used in smartphone devices? A. Facial recognition B. Passcode C. Fingerprint scanning D. Retinal scanning Correct Answer: D Retinal scanning is a slow, intrusive technique that requires specialized hardware and cannot be performed with a standard smartphone. Smartphones do commonly use passcodes, fingerprint scanning and facial recognition for authentication. Interested in more practice test questions? Get a copy of my official CertMike Practice Test books for the Security+ exam, CISSP exam, SSCP exam, or CySA+ exam and practice with hundreds of questions designed just like the real test! ...