Practice Test Question-Mobile Device Deployment Models

Practice Test Question-Mobile Device Deployment Models

Practice Test Question-Mobile Device Deployment Models

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Brian is selecting a mobile device deployment model for his organization. In consultation with leadership, he selected an approach where employees will be able to select the device that they prefer and the company will purchase it for their use and manage it through their MDM system. What term best describes this deployment model?

A. Bring your own device (BYOD) model

B. Choose your own device (CYOD) model

C. Corporate-owned personally-enabled (COPE) model

D. Corporate-owned business-only (COBO) model

Correct Answer: B

This approach best matches the choose your own device (CYOD) deployment model. In this model, employees select their device and it is owned and managed by the company. This is more flexible than the corporate-owned, business-only (COBO) model. The scenario does not give us enough information to know whether personal use is permitted, so we cannot conclude that this is the corporate-owned personally-enabled (COPE) model. The company, not the employee, purchases and owns the device, so it is not the bring your own device (BYOD) model.

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