Practice Test Question: Pass The Hash

Practice Test Question: Pass The Hash

Practice Test Question: Pass The Hash

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Which one of the following device types is most susceptible to a pass-the-hash attack?


A. Windows server
B. Network firewall
C. VPN concentrator
D. Hardware security module


Correct Answer: A


Pass-the-hash attacks exploit a vulnerability in the NTLM authentication protocol, used by Windows systems. The attack is not possible against non-Windows systems.


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  • Shelly Duffer
    Posted at 17:29h, 24 July Reply

    Took my exam yesterday….and I PASSED!!!

    Thanks, Mike! Great course! I’m suggesting it to all of my colleagues!

    • CertMike
      Posted at 20:16h, 24 July Reply

      Congratulations, Shelly!

  • Remi Adebola
    Posted at 20:56h, 24 July Reply

    Thank you Mike, without your group study I would not have made it. I passed my CISSP on Thursday 19th July. Thanks for mentoring and supporting us.

  • Tyrone Jackson
    Posted at 21:49h, 24 July Reply

    I appreciate the study group as well because it helps me to stay focused to my task. Thank you Mike for having this group.

    Tyrone Jackson

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